Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Great Debate- Supporting different skills

Skills theme advocate was the group that I supported most when choosing which groups to join between Lifetime activities and stick skills. I found it that skipping, hopping, leaping etc... have to be learned in physical education and are the most important skills to be learned and can be used throughout a lifetime. The debate was very intense and a well discussed. All the groups were well prepared and had many good points about why their group was the best. I felt that the Skills theme advocate group had the upper leverage when it came to the rebuttal arguments but in the end the board of education ruled the debate a tie between the Life time activities group and the Skills theme advocate group. I enjoyed the debate and was focused in on what everyone had to say about their groups. I believe that it is important in one way or another to have all three of these activities put into a physical education learning system. But if I had to chose only one I believe the most important for fundamentals and becoming a well round individual I would still pick Skills theme advocate.

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